Friday, July 23, 2010


We made is to Munich after a long and painful night train from Florence.  Before we got on the train, a drunk man army crawled out of the bushes and stole our water . . too strange.  The train was horrible.  It was booked solid so we were just in a compartment of 6, without beds.  The compartment was full, so we had to 'sleep' sitting up for 9 hours.  I addition, it was upwards of 90 degrees in the compartment, and some girl who I am STILL angry at kept closing the window. We played that game all night - when she fell asleep I opened it, when I fell asleep she closed it.  Like a can of sweaty sardines, that is how we spent the night.  It smelled like the homless hangouts under a bridge in that compartment.

We got to Munich and thanfully were allowed to shower before we checked in.  After some much needed coffee we walked around the city.  I pushed really hard so we could see the Glockenspiel (a century old clock that dances around) at noon.  I don't think Maggie and Kate cared though.  I was in Munich during my semester, so this visit was purely for their sake.  We continued wandering around and cooing and the adorable Bavarian buildings.  They are so cute.

That night we we to Hofbrauhaus. Although it is super touristy, it's a must.  Especially because there is another Hofbrauhaus in Cinci.  The three of us went there last summer, and I never imagined we would go to the real one together, ever.  Of course I found some Italians and made friends, and we also met people from Doner's Grove (where Vicki went to grad school outside of Chicago).

The next day we went to Augustinerkeller Biergarten.  Awesome.  It was massive and beautiful, with the huge tree's and even a playground.  There met some crazy Austrians on a bachelor party.  We keep being forced to leave different sites when I get accosted by creepers (trevi fountain, pantheon, etc) so I decided this time to just put up with it because we were having a nice time at the beer garden.  Eventually I said I was married and we were left alone!  Good one.  I'm gonna use it more often.  Regardless of creeps, the beer is so delicious here.  It is probably a good thing I finished college and am done with Natty Light and Beast. I don't know if I could stomach them anymore after the golden deliciousness that is German beer.

The English Gardens are massive, but that is not the impressive part.  The truly unique aspect is the surfing.  You walk around this beautiful park, and then you happen upon people actually surfing in the little canal.  Fantastic.

On Sunday, Maggie and Kate went to Dachau Concentration Camp.  I went there last year, so I stayed in Munich and explored.  In my exploration I discovered that dogs are allowed everywhere here.  I knew from Italy that the rules are much more lax about bringing dogs into grocery stores, pharmacy's, etc.  However, I walked by a fancy restaurant, complete with white tablecloths and chandeliers, and saw a dog hanging out at a table.  It amazes me!  I thought the Germans were supposed to be more strict.  Awesome.  I also went to the Jewish museum.  I was fascinated by the idea that proudly displaying these religious images, books, and symbols in Munich was once a death sentence, not too long ago.  There was also a public exhibit of discussions between descendents of the Nazi's and descendents of the persecuted Jews.  It was fascinating to read the dialogues . . . so much guilt and remorse, but also helplessness . . I'm having difficulty explaining.  Here is the website:

Kate and Maggie left Sunday night to go back to the States. I am going to miss them!   They had a completely different travel style altogether, and I found it easier to just adjust to them since they are only here for 2 weeks.  It was fun, just way different than my usual. It's weird that I won't see them until Christmas at the earliest.  They are the last American friends I am going to see for the next 6 weeks, until Francesca comes!  That will start an entire new chapter.
Next is Augsburg, where I am staying with BJ.  Now that is an adventure. : )

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