Monday, July 26, 2010


I love being here. It is incredible.  However, it just hit me yesterday that I am going to have a lot of difficulty sustaining myself, especially if I can't find a job.  On the bright side, I've found the greatest diet ever - unemployment!  I hope this continues in Italy!  I just find it silly to spend money I don't have on food, something I can do without.  I'm also having my first bought of homesickness.

 The past few days have been relaxing and fantastic. I'm in Augsburg staying with my economics professor BJ and hanging out with students in the UD study abroad program.  Augsburg is a small but old town in Germany, and a sister city to Dayton.  My time here as been peacefull and very enjoyable.  I went shopping with BJ and her daughter Rachel, then we watched old movies all last night.  Tonight we had quite the adventure trying to find this Mexican restaurant in Augsburg.  After over an hour of searching, we found it and had a fun time.  Mexican is delicious.  BJ is so much fun.  You never know what to expect, and I love it.  She can adopt me.

Yesterday I went to Friedburg with Bernadette, where we met her friend Annika and toured the quaint city. It was beautiful, and not some place I would have found on my own.  After touring we sat and chatted at her house over cappuccino and gummy bears.  It was a very pleasant day.

Yesterday was also the day Dad had his wedding reception at home.  This was the first pang of sadness.  All of my siblings are home, and that is becoming rarer and rarer (Vince even came from Vegas).  The family from Atlanta, some of which have not returned in almost 10 years, also came.  I'm being silly, but I'm just left out.  Today is Allie's birthday.  I trekked around looking for a pay phone to use the phone card Vicki left me.  FINALLY I found one, but turns out the card was empty.  I was too annoyed to go back and try to skype on the internet that doesn't work after such a long search, so I just made a quick call with my cell.  I feel extremely guilty that I am not there for her 18th birthday.  I've worked hard to make sure she made it to 'adulthood,' and I'm not there.  So it was important I made the call.  Turns out the 2 minute call used 4euro.  Great. That means no lunch.

I got back and finagled with skype so I finally got a call through.  However it was too busy at my house with everyone over, so I gave up and let them go.  I'm here, all my friends and family are there, this is how it works.  2 month blues.
Uncle Bob is sick, and I'm so removed from the situation.  I should be there and feel terrible.  My goodbye in May cannot be my final goodbye.

Ugh. It's time to be more positive.  I'm spending some time with Bernadette and meeting her family in her home town, and couldn't be more excited!

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